Our History

How it all began?

Initially, my wife and I only had a desire to start a business. At first we thought of doing textiles, but then we realized that we wanted to work on a national product. And the first of them was talkan. Talkan is made from sprouted or dried wheat. This product has come to us since ancient times, it is nourishing and healthy, and it can be added to any food. For the first time our company presented its products in 2009 at the city exhibition of manufactured goods in Semey.
Mezibaev Ermek Asylgazinovich
director of the company "адал АС"

Read more: https://weproject.media/articles/detail/o-tom-kak-semya-iz-semeya-proizvodit-shi-baursak-kospa-i-talkan/

Our first products
Why did we decide to produce talkan and zhent in the first place?
At first we wanted to release zhent, because we loved him as a child. But then we decided to start production from talkan, because we had land.
We started with wheat: we sowed it, fried it, ground it, added sugar. Even in the war and post-war years, various peoples, including immigrants, ate talkan. They sowed wheat and ground it themselves on millstones at home. And the grandparents, who were children at that time, took up the talkan and thanked us. We have talkan with sugar and without sugar. This is a great dry breakfast, which is much tastier and healthier than a store-bought breakfast. Then we began to develop zhent. It is similar to halva, it is a dish for the most distinguished guests.

Read more: https://weproject.media/articles/detail/kazakhstanskie-predprinimateli-o-tom-pochemu-oni-reshili-proizvodit-zhent-kurt-talkan-i-vyalenuyu-ko/
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